TERMOPLAST is present on the market of Western Europe since 2010. Currently 30% of production of windows is exported to countries like Italy, France and Belgium, countries where Termoplast has developed over time a network of partners and collaborators.
TRP Partnership Benefits:
- Dedicated team (sales consultant and operator);
- Showroom presentation package: catalogs, flyers, etc.;
- Invisible Welding Technology;
- Manufacturer with full range of products and services - PVC Factory, Aluminum Factory Section, Unit's own insulating glass, Foiling section of profiles, Section of arc profiles;
- Over 10 series of windows (rau Fipro, PVC, aluminum);
- Short term of execution;
- Manufacturer REHAU in collaboration with ROTO and MACO;
- Well-known brand in Romania and in Western Europe (Italy, France, Belgium);
- Deliveries with authorized carriers (over 10 years of experience in the field);
- CE marking and certifications for PVC windows and doors.
We are looking for collaborators to develop the network of partners abroad!
Italy Sales Department :
For Italian speakers:
Tel: +40 747 496 524
Email: export@termoplast.ro
For Romanian speakers:
Tel: +40 741 089 420
TeL: +40 744 578 831
Email: daniela.neculai@termoplast.ro
For English speakers:
Tel: +40 744 606 695
Email: catalin.neculai@termoplast.ro
France & Belgium Sales Department:
For French speakers:
Tel: +40 721 980 447
Email: ventes@termoplast.ro
For Romanian speakers:
TeL: +40 744 578 831
Email: daniela.neculai@termoplast.ro
For English speakers:
Tel: +40 744 606 695
Email: catalin.neculai@termoplast.ro
Other useful information:
- Airports at 50 km (Bacau - www.bacauaeroport.ro ) ,100 km (Iasi - www.aeroport.ro ) and 400 km (Bucuresti - www.baneasa-aeroport.com ). On the basis of an appointment, we enjoy taking you from Bacau Airport or Iasi Airport up to the company headquarters.
- Scheduling a meeting with the administrator of the company, Neculai Daniela - tel +40 744 578 831, daniela.neculai@termoplast.ro
- Accommodation - at only 200 m from the production factory is located the Mariko Inn Hotel, our own hotel (3 and 4 stars). (http://hotelmarikoinn.ro/)